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The Three R's On Campus and at Home
Introduction to RRR
The Waste Pyramid
Step 1: Reduce
Step 2: Reuse
Step 3: Recycle
The three R’s in your office
Tips to reduce, reuse and recycle in your office (3:30)
Reducing in your office
Reusing in your office
Recycling in your office
Recycling on campus
Recycling program structure (2:28)
What goes in campus recycling bins? (2:13)
What else can be recycled on campus? (0:33)
Where and how to recycle?
Get involved on campus
Green Teams
Minimizing waste at home
Tips for reducing and reusing at home
How to buy from the bulk bins (2:55)
How to reduce food waste
Recycling at home
How do I recycle in Springfield? (1:15)
Where can I recycle this?
RRR Review Quiz
How do I recycle in Springfield?
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